Tuesday, March 16, 2010

15 Month Stat Check

We went in to the doctor today for Monkey's 15 month check-up. He somehow managed to get the all-clear bill of heath despite the disgusting green boogies oozing out of his nose every 15 seconds, but I digress. His ears are clean. He weighs 24.5 lbs, and is 30 3/4 " tall. That places him in the 50% for both weight and height, so at least he's even. He got 3 shots today, and did pretty well with them. He is meeting all of his milestones - one of the odd ones the doc asked me was if Monkey was imitating animal sounds - which I think he is. He says "duck" and then I think he says "quack quack." Anyhoo, that was a weird one to me.

So there you have it folks. We went to the zoo this weekend, so I will have some pictures and a lengthy video of Monkey chasing the goats at the petting zoo as soon as I can get more than 10 minutes in front of a computer!


  1. Specifically animal sounds? H will do monkey sounds and car/train/truck sounds but really, i don't think he discerns between animal and inanimate object. That is a strange milestone question.

  2. Haha! I have to get Monkey doing the monkey sounds!! Honestly, since he does quack like a duck, I didn't ask about other inanimate objects. I just thought that was a weird "milestone."

  3. agreed. and H really just copies us. He has a monkey on his wall right above the changing table so 5 times a day, I'm pointing to it, saying monkey and making monkey noises. He does pick up stuffed monkeys and say ooh, ooh, eeeh eeh...so i guess that counts, right ? :-) Whatever..our kids are brilliant!
