Monday, May 10, 2010

Whirlwind Weekend

Phew. What fun, but what a whirlwind. The Miami Grandparents got into Phoenix on Thursday night as part of their West Coast tour/vacation. We all went out to dinner, and on Friday, they took Monkey to the Children's Museum. He had a ball:

Friday night, Aunt Liana and Uncle Gene showed up, and we all met up for some yummy Mexican food. They were in awe at how big Monkey has gotten since November and how good he is :)

Saturday was a blast. We went to the pool at the Biltmore in the morning, and there were only a few families there (surprise, surprise, right?). We played around in the water, Monkey went down the slide (with Daddy, of course), and had a yummy lunch poolside. Someone then ended up falling asleep on the 2 minute car ride home. I guess the sun and water will zap 17 month olds of energy (mental note to self: remember this for the rest of the summer). The adults then went to the Dbacks game while Nana, Poppy, Uncle Lou Lou, Aunt Liana and Uncle Gene watched the Monkey for the afternoon.

Monkey with Grandma Linda My adorable twin boys. Matching shirts, flip flops and both wearing board shorts. They are ready for the pool!
Oh, I love these guys!
Headed down the slide. Monkey wasn't impressed. Daddy had fun though.
Attempt #2 didn't really go over much better.
Turns out, Monkey loves lemons.
Look at those lashes. Yes, eat your heart out, ladies. Oh, and he gets those from his Daddy, not from me.

Lest I not forget, yesterday was Mother's Day. I got to sleep in (yay!) and woke up to beautiful tulips on the counter. We went out to breakfast, and hit up the park on the way home to let Mr. Monkey expend some of that toddler energy. He had a ball and got extremely dirty in the sand. Apparently it's fun to pick it up and dump it on your head. Who knew? Last night I (and Nana and Grandma Cindy) was treated to a yummy dinner prepared by Travis and Grandpa George. The best part of the meal: DE-Licious homemade chocolate covered strawberries the size of my fist! Thank you to my boys for a great Mother's Day!!

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