It's been forever. And I don't even have any new pictures or videos to post. I apologize! October has been a little crazy for us. Monkey is just adding word after word to his vocabulary. He will pretty much repeat anything you say to him. His newest facinations are airplanes and buses. Everytime he sees one, he screams "Mommy, Daddy, BUSSSSS!!" or "Mommy, Daddy, llello bus" depending on its color. Or "Mommy, Daddy, airplane" (which sounds more like "hairpane"). He also says "bye" to anyone and anything (including cars, his rocking horse, you get the picture) and has putting 2 words or more together. He's just a blast at this age right now!
We had our holiday pictures taken this past weekend, so I promise some new photos soon. We also have Halloween coming up, and thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Miller, Monkey will be a dragon. Actually, he's going to be a headless dragon since he refuses to wear the hat part of the costume. Oh well. So we will have pictures of that soon too!
Next weekend Monkey and Mommy are headed to Miami to visit a bunch of friends and family. We are hoping for a hassle-free trip, and lots of good times! Can't wait!!
PS - Can you believe it's time to start planning for his 2nd Birthday already?! Stay tuned...
Back surgery update
7 years ago
Photos are great!!! Can't wait to see you. Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bob