Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This was Daddy's idea, to list all the funny things that Monkey says. Daddy's favorite is that he calls birds "mee mee"s. To the point where he will see a bird nest and say "mee mee nest." We're hoping he keeps that up until college.

Also on the list:
* "Nope" in a very definite way.
* "Yes" in an equally definite way.
* "Dadoo" that's Thank you. He's pretty good about saying it without a prompt. He says it after I tell him "bless you" when he sneezes.
* "Peas" is Please. He almost expects you to do whatever he is asking for if he says Please, because, after all, he said "please."!
* "Eebra" is Zebra.
* "Aminals" are animals. Also, the zoo.
* "ights" are lights. Christmas lights in particular. He also really loves the house down the street with the "purple ights."
* "cersops" is tricerotops - one of his dinosaurs. "T-Rex" is also on the list of dinos.
* "Bobby" is his lovey. No idea where he came up with the name "bobby," but it's stuck!
* He sings "Happy Birthday" and the Monkeys on the Bed song. It's particularly cute when he points his finger at you and tells you "No monkeys bed."
* He knows all of his Sesame Street characters and has particular affinity for Elmo "Ebo" and Abby.
* He also loves Thomas the Train and his Percy. He knows their names too. And he will ask you to "pay Thomas" = "play with Thomas."
* He says Moon and Sun and Stars. He knows where they all are too.
* One of his favorite things these days to do is get in a basket and tell Daddy to "peez" pick him up and run him around.
* He also likes to turn the Christmas lights on on the tree.
* His birthday morning, he ran into the room and said "Daddy presents open."
* Crockett, the dog, is "Crocky."
* He heard me call Daddy Travis the other day, and started calling him "Travis" too!
* We were trying to tell him to be careful with the ornaments for the Christmas tree, and he now says "Careful Mommy's balls." Nice.
* He sings "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "Jingle Bells." It's adorable (see videos below).

That's all I can come up with right now. I'll let Travis (I mean Daddy) chime in in a later post with others!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Oh yeah, I really am pregnant.

I know this blog is all about Monkey. And I didn't have it when I was pregnant with him. But I'm pregnant with #2, and I feel like I should blog about her here a bit too.

On Dec. 27th, we found out for sure that she is, indeed, a she. Let the shopping begin :) Just a few days before that, I really started feeling her move too. It was some light taps and jabs at first, and last night, I felt a full "roll" in there. It's so fun feeling those movements, letting me know she's safe and sound! And she's polite too - she hasn't disturbed me while I'm sleeping (yet).

And I think that's about it. I have been feeling fine. I get a little dizzy/lightheaded here and there with quick movements, but that's to be expected. Other than that, I have nothing to report. Just awaiting her arrival, but in NO rush for it to get here.

So, from now on, you'll hear mostly about Monkey, but a little bit about Baby Girl too. And, here's a belly shot of me on New Year's Eve. 18 weeks and a few days.