This was Daddy's idea, to list all the funny things that Monkey says. Daddy's favorite is that he calls birds "mee mee"s. To the point where he will see a bird nest and say "mee mee nest." We're hoping he keeps that up until college.
Also on the list:
* "Nope" in a very definite way.
* "Yes" in an equally definite way.
* "Dadoo" that's Thank you. He's pretty good about saying it without a prompt. He says it after I tell him "bless you" when he sneezes.
* "Peas" is Please. He almost expects you to do whatever he is asking for if he says Please, because, after all, he said "please."!
* "Eebra" is Zebra.
* "Aminals" are animals. Also, the zoo.
* "ights" are lights. Christmas lights in particular. He also really loves the house down the street with the "purple ights."
* "cersops" is tricerotops - one of his dinosaurs. "T-Rex" is also on the list of dinos.
* "Bobby" is his lovey. No idea where he came up with the name "bobby," but it's stuck!
* He sings "Happy Birthday" and the Monkeys on the Bed song. It's particularly cute when he points his finger at you and tells you "No monkeys bed."
* He knows all of his Sesame Street characters and has particular affinity for Elmo "Ebo" and Abby.
* He also loves Thomas the Train and his Percy. He knows their names too. And he will ask you to "pay Thomas" = "play with Thomas."
* He says Moon and Sun and Stars. He knows where they all are too.
* One of his favorite things these days to do is get in a basket and tell Daddy to "peez" pick him up and run him around.
* He also likes to turn the Christmas lights on on the tree.
* His birthday morning, he ran into the room and said "Daddy presents open."
* Crockett, the dog, is "Crocky."
* He heard me call Daddy Travis the other day, and started calling him "Travis" too!
* We were trying to tell him to be careful with the ornaments for the Christmas tree, and he now says "Careful Mommy's balls." Nice.
* He sings "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and "Jingle Bells." It's adorable (see videos below).
That's all I can come up with right now. I'll let Travis (I mean Daddy) chime in in a later post with others!
Back surgery update
7 years ago
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