So...we bought a new house and we're moving! Oh yeah, and we're having a baby here in about 5 weeks. The move won't happen until sometime late summer, so it's not too much pressure now with baby's impending arrival. We're going to be working on fixing it up over the summer, so we will have an almost-brand-new home to move into. Yippee!! I'm very excited about the move. It has a big yard that Monkey loves to run around in, and it's in a great neighborhood!
Spencer is in full on potty training mode. He started it on his own. Well, we have been putting him on the potty for a long time now before bath each night to get him used to it, and having lenghty discussions about which undies are the coolest (right now it's Lightning McQueen, FYI). But one night before bed he asked to go on the potty, we went, he peed, and he's been pretty good ever since. Yes, we have had some hiccups along the way (like the 5 pairs of undies he went through in a 2 hour time span over the weekend). But for the most part, he's doing really well with it! At only 2 years and 4 months, that's pretty good. He has to be trained by the time he moves to his new room at school in August, so this is all good news for us!
In other Monkey news, he is talking up a storm. You can understand almost everything he says, and he says random things out of the blue. As we were driving to school the other day he busted out with "Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!" He also sings along to the theme songs from Thomas and Friends and Dinosaur Train (notice a transportation theme there?!). This also comes with some bad - last night he told me to "leave me alone." He didn't want me putting on his PJs. He also says "I do it" when he doesn't want my help. I think my favorite saying of his right now is "I need..." He uses it instead of "I want." So, he NEEDS his milk when he gets home from school. He NEEDS his Percy train to take in the car with him. It cracks me up.
Baby is doing good. We had her 34 week visit today, and are still on scheduled for her arrival May 24. She is apparently a big baby, as the doc mentioned today. Otherwise, nothing exciting there to report.
Back surgery update
7 years ago
So glad to hear an update! I hope everything continues to go well for you guys and enjoy the new house : ) Keep us posted when the baby arrives...this one is a little girl right? I also love hearing how the potty training is going because I too am trying to train Bree...Not going as well as you describe though ; ) Kelly (Aubree's mom from the December 08 Surgarbabies)