Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chillin' In the Bumpo

First up, Spencer giving a shout-out to all you blog-watchers out there. Next up, Spencer checking out his Bumpo chair. He's still a little wobbly in it, but he seems to like it, and how adorable is that little half-grin?:

His eye is looking MUCH better these days. He's still a little stuffy from the cold, but I think it's on it's way out. It's certainly not keeping him down!

As for the tummy issues...well...I just don't know what's going on with that. At times it seems like the medicine is working. At other times, I almost feel like he's worse than he was last week! Per the doc's instructions, I am giving it tomorrow and then giving him a call.


  1. You can actually see him watching you and looking in the mirror. He is too cute!!
