Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We're Bloggers Now!

Well, here's my first attempt at a blog on Spencer's behalf. I decided this was the best way to share photos and updates regarding the newest addition to the Leach family household, Spencer George, born on December 11, 2008, weighing in at 6 lbs., 11oz., and 20 inches long.

4 weeks later, Spencer has upped the weight to (I believe) around 8 lbs, and is too long for his newborn clothes - well, his legs are, he's still fitting in the newbies onsies. My super advanced measuring skills place him at 21 1/2 inches (this via a yard stick placed next to him in the crib while stretching out his frog legs*). So he's grown an inch and a half in one month?! However, he has managed to make his way into the 0-3 month sweatsuits, thereby prompting this school-spirited photo I shot yesterday:

(pardon the quality, this was taken via cell phone).

*frog legs is a term used by highly educated hospital staff to describe a breech baby's legs, not something degrading I am calling my child.

I won't regale you with all that's happened in the last 4 weeks, but here's a quick photo journey for fun.

My little monkey:


My little piggy:


His first bath:


And a quick little update on our life today. We went to the office to visit (show off) my adorable offspring to all mine and Daddy's co-workers. Of course, Spencer was met with rounds of "he's such a beautiful baby" and I was met with "wow, I can't believe how good you look." That was encouraging! Then we went to lunch with Kim, who just had baby Miles 3 months ago (future bestie?).

Yesterday, we had our very first playdate with Paige Dorn, est. 12/11/08 as well. While she was born a mere 5 hours before Spencer, she still weighs less than him and looks so tiny! Neither one of the kiddos woke up to actually acknowledge thier playdate, but Mommy took a photo to memorialize it. See below:


And that's all for today. Check back in regularly for updates (which will be more regular while Mommy's on leave).

1 comment:

  1. spencer is beautiful!!! I can't believe he's almost a month old...seems like you were just posting your induction date, and then bam, almost a month old!
