That's about all I can say. Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Monkey and I have been battling some serious sickies the last few weeks, but I am happy to report we are both feeling MUCH better. After 3 different antibiotics for him, and 1 for me, we are ear infection free (yes, both of us), and both have our energy back!
As for Monkey, he's been talking up a storm these days, and doing all kinds of cute tricks. He waves bye-bye now. He also says it (sorta). He says cracker, which comes out sounding more like "ca-ca." He also knows where his nose is (still working on the eyes, ears and mouth). He throws a ball pretty well, which he also sorta says. If you ask him to get his tiger, pig, etc., he goes and gets it and brings it to you. He walks into school everyday carrying his own lunchbox, and also reminds you to get in on the way out when we pick him up. He also knows exactly what he wants and if you can't figure out what he's asking for in .03 seconds, we have a slight temper tantrum on our hands. The other night I came home, said "hi" to him, and got an adorable "hi" in response.
Pictures to come shortly...