Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Standing & More Words!

Take a look at how I found Mr. Monkey yesterday morning...

And he was like that this morning too. There goes any hopes of him going back to sleep after he wakes up!

Oh, and he's also added ba-ba, and pa-pa to his vocabulary. Still no ma-ma though! Grrrr....! I'm not sure he's talking about anything in particular, but he's definitely trying to tell us something!


  1. He looks very proud of himself! Time to lower that mattress! And don't worry about that lack of "ma-Ma"; "m" is a much harder sound for a newbie to make than "d" or "b" is. Of course, once he gets that one down, you can be 100% certain that he means what he says! LOL!

  2. I just found mine standing in the crib too! Woops, the side was too low. Now he doesn't want to nap, he just wants to stand!
