Monday, August 24, 2009

Sitting, Standing, What Next?!

Sorry I've been a bad blogger lately.  We've had a lot going on.  Spencer started his new room at daycare last week, and that was a bit of an adjustment.  He's doing great in there though, it just took a few days to get the teachers to understand his schedule.  He's also got a little bit of a cold again, no surprise there!  We're still only on 2 teeth, but I know those top 2 are ready to poke through any day now.
See, there he is sitting up!  (yes, it takes until the last 30 sec. of the video to actually see the sitting).  He's also standing up on his own.  I found him in his crib this morning holding onto the railing standing and yelling at me to pick. him. up!

Other than that, things are good in the life of the Leach family.  Spencer's got a few newborn friends to play with one of these days.  The DeBruin's welcomed Baby Boy Brayden and the Williams' welcomed Baby Girl Emery last week.  Can't wait to get them all together one of these days :)  And no, there is no new Baby Leach on the way.  Although the little ones were cute ;)

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