Monday, April 26, 2010


My little mischevious monkey has been talking up a storm these days, and I just had to share. You heard the breakfast conversation to which I am blessed everyday. Monkey also loves to sit and "read" his books. He talks out loud as he looks at the pictures, and it's a streaming conversation much like the one from breakfast. This morning, though, while reading Maddy the Moose, he said "butterfly." Granted, it sounded more like "but-te-lie" but still! Good job, Monkey!

Also part of the Monkey's repetoire: Nana, Lou-Lou, Daddy, hi, bye, flower (fwow-e), duck, quack quack, mooo, yo gabba gabba (ga-ba), ball (ba), Mackenzie (ken-cy), dog, puppy, cracker (ca-ca), cookie (also ca-ca), Crockett (the dog) (also ca-ca), Baxter (the cat) (ba-ta). I'm sure there's more I'm missing, but that's a pretty good list as of right now. Noticably absent: Mommy.

Last of the cute Monkey things, I promise. He has little hand gestures to go with certain songs. They have definitely taught him this at "school," but for twinkle twinkle little star, he puts his hands together above his head like a little star. He's also learning the itsy bitsy spider. Uncle Luis has taught him some songs where he hits his head (don't ask) and another one about a pollito (?) where he does something with his hand. Ahhh...Uncle Lou Lou!

Oh, and I lied. One more thing. He knows where his head, eyes, ears, nose, belly and feet are. He knows shoes go on the feet and he tries to wear daddy's shoes every morning.

There's just too much to keep up with, but that should be good for now!


  1. We've got 4 "action" songs on rotation at our house that the boys ask for by gesture- Itsy Bitsy Spider, 5 Little Monkeys, 5 Little Ducks and Pat-a-Cake. It's kind of funny to have a toddler wagging his finger at you going "no-no-no" and you realize he wants you to sing him a song. I LOVE this stage!

  2. So much fun...don't worry. You'll be hearing mommy plenty. Mine won't stop and sometimes it just makes you crazy because he says it for no reason at all except to hear himself talk. :-)

  3. @ Leek, at this point, I think it's an on purpose thing. He says "moo" so I know he knows the "M" sound. This morning I asked him to say "mama" and he said "dada." This is a regular occurence. I think he's doing it to mess with me - haha!!

    @Erin, yes I am LOVING this stage. He is just too cute right now!!
